Historian with an extraordinary degree award from the University of La Laguna, expert in interpretation and heritage revitalization, with a Master’s degree in Tourism Management and Planning, and specialist in cultural tourism, he has focused his professional career on cultural, heritage and tourism management. He has specialized in cultural tourism with the design, coordination and execution of various heritage revitalization projects, themed and dramatized routes and itineraries, and comprehensive tourism planning plans.
He has been historical advisor in different heritage and tourism projects for the Cabildo of Tenerife. Author of several articles in specialized publications and magazines, and tourism guides, he has been a speaker at various national and international academic forums (Angra do Heroismo, Azores; Cidade Velha, Cape Verde), specialization courses and is currently working on various projects of dissemination, revitalization and enhancement of the heritage and history of the Canary Islands.
Professional Experience
• Consultant, technical advisor and cultural manager.
• Coordinator of heritage revitalization projects.
• Historical heritage interpreter.
• Lecturer.
Academic Experience
• He has participated in different academic research projects (R&D), especially related to public management and cultural diversity, such as with the Pluralism and Coexistence Foundation and ULL (2006-2008), the Atman Foundation for the dialogue between civilizations and the ULL (2006), or the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP) and the ULL (2009 – 2010), as well as, in the field of tourism, in the “Anthropic inventory of the Canary Islands coasts” (State Foundation for the Promotion of the Sea FOMAR and the General Directorate for the Sustainability of the Coast and Sea of the Ministry of the Environment, Rural and Marine Affairs of the Canary Islands), in the “Anthropic Inventory of the Canarian coasts” (Fundación Estatal para el Fomento del Mar FOMAR and Dirección General de Sostenibilidad de la Costa y el Mar del Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, Rural y Marino, 2008-2010), the Pilot Project “Pescaturismo” (ULPG/ULL – Cabildo de Gran Canaria and CANAEST, 2009), or the project “Description and Economic Impact of Chondrichthyan Diving Activities in the Canary Islands” (New Economic Foundation [UK] and ULL, 2009).
• Teaching experience at the University of La Laguna as substitute professor of the subjects: Canarian Artistic Heritage, Legislation and Methods of Cataloguing and Conservation of Artistic Heritage, History of Ancient Art, General History of Religions.
• Teaching experience at the University of La Laguna as a collaborating professor in the Master in Tourism Management and Planning (2012-2021).
• CNICE Award 2006 of the Ministry of Education and Science to the curricular educational material in electronic support (BOE 295/21620, Monday, December 11, 2006).
• Degree in Art History with extraordinary end of degree award to the best academic record ULL 1999-2000.
• Master’s Degree in Tourism Management and Planning, University of La Laguna (2019).
• Diploma of Advanced Studies in Heritage, Environmental and Territorial Management and Organization of the World in the Historical Process, University of La Laguna (2004).
• Course of Pedagogical Aptitude, Complutense University of Madrid (2001).
• Author of contents of the Enciclopedia del Estudiante (Volume 9), Ed. Santillana (2010).
• La Laguna in 1000 images, Concejalía de Turismo, Ayuntamiento de La Laguna (2016).
• “La Laguna: a Renaissance utopia in the Garden of the Hesperides”, in Entre Mares nº1, Espacio México – Canarias, Mexican Consulate of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, November 2020.

Geography and History

Geography and History
Historian with an extraordinary degree award from the University of La Laguna, expert in interpretation and heritage revitalization, with a Master’s degree in Tourism Management and Planning, and specialist in cultural tourism, he has focused his professional career on cultural, heritage and tourism management. He has specialized in cultural tourism with the design, coordination and execution of various heritage revitalization projects, themed and dramatized routes and itineraries, and comprehensive tourism planning plans.
He has been historical advisor in different heritage and tourism projects for the Cabildo of Tenerife. Author of several articles in specialized publications and magazines, and tourism guides, he has been a speaker at various national and international academic forums (Angra do Heroismo, Azores; Cidade Velha, Cape Verde), specialization courses and is currently working on various projects of dissemination, revitalization and enhancement of the heritage and history of the Canary Islands.
Professional Experience
• Consultant, technical advisor and cultural manager.
• Coordinator of heritage revitalization projects.
• Historical heritage interpreter.
• Lecturer.
Academic Experience
• He has participated in different academic research projects (R&D), especially related to public management and cultural diversity, such as with the Pluralism and Coexistence Foundation and ULL (2006-2008), the Atman Foundation for the dialogue between civilizations and the ULL (2006), or the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP) and the ULL (2009 – 2010), as well as, in the field of tourism, in the “Anthropic inventory of the Canary Islands coasts” (State Foundation for the Promotion of the Sea FOMAR and the General Directorate for the Sustainability of the Coast and Sea of the Ministry of the Environment, Rural and Marine Affairs of the Canary Islands), in the “Anthropic Inventory of the Canarian coasts” (Fundación Estatal para el Fomento del Mar FOMAR and Dirección General de Sostenibilidad de la Costa y el Mar del Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, Rural y Marino, 2008-2010), the Pilot Project “Pescaturismo” (ULPG/ULL – Cabildo de Gran Canaria and CANAEST, 2009), or the project “Description and Economic Impact of Chondrichthyan Diving Activities in the Canary Islands” (New Economic Foundation [UK] and ULL, 2009).
• Teaching experience at the University of La Laguna as substitute professor of the subjects: Canarian Artistic Heritage, Legislation and Methods of Cataloguing and Conservation of Artistic Heritage, History of Ancient Art, General History of Religions.
• Teaching experience at the University of La Laguna as a collaborating professor in the Master in Tourism Management and Planning (2012-2021).
• CNICE Award 2006 of the Ministry of Education and Science to the curricular educational material in electronic support (BOE 295/21620, Monday, December 11, 2006).
• Degree in Art History with extraordinary end of degree award to the best academic record ULL 1999-2000.
• Master’s Degree in Tourism Management and Planning, University of La Laguna (2019).
• Diploma of Advanced Studies in Heritage, Environmental and Territorial Management and Organization of the World in the Historical Process, University of La Laguna (2004).
• Course of Pedagogical Aptitude, Complutense University of Madrid (2001).
• Author of contents of the Enciclopedia del Estudiante (Volume 9), Ed. Santillana (2010).
• La Laguna in 1000 images, Concejalía de Turismo, Ayuntamiento de La Laguna (2016).
• “La Laguna: a Renaissance utopia in the Garden of the Hesperides”, in Entre Mares nº1, Espacio México – Canarias, Mexican Consulate of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, November 2020.


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