An expert in community mediation, the professor has experience as a conflict mediator in the community sphere, participating in community processes in Mexico and Panama. In addition, he has developed his career in emergency management at 112 Canarias.
Jorge has a Master’s Degree in Management of Social Economy Enterprises and was awarded the CONACYT Scholarship to pursue postgraduate studies in Mexico where he completed his PhD in Alternative Methods of Conflict Resolution at the Faculty of Law and Criminology of the Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon, with a thesis focused on the study of community mediation as a development tool.
Professional Experience
orge has combined his work in emergency call answering with his teaching and research vocation as a conflict mediator and peace education. He has advised and participated in different companies in the social sector collaborating in the implementation of corporate social responsibility projects. He is a founding member of the mediators’ cooperative Mediae.
Academic experience
• He currently holds the distinction of National Researcher Candidate in the National System of Researchers of Mexico and is accredited as Assistant Professor Doctor by the ACUEE (Canarian Agency for University Quality and Educational Evaluation).
• In Mexico Jorge has taught officially at the UANL (Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León) for six academic years, has participated as a researcher in the research group of Alternative Methods of the UANL and has been a reviewer of scientific articles for several prestigious journals in Latin America and participated as an advisor and trainer in projects of prevention and conflict management for municipal police in Mexico and Panama.
• The professor has been able to disseminate his research as a speaker at several international congresses and has participated in peace training projects in the community, university and citizen security areas.
D. in Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods, Master in Management of Social Economy Enterprises and Bachelor in Geography, is certified to practice as a mediator, speaks English and French and has made international stays first through the Erasmus program in France and later with the CONACYT Mobility Scholarship to Panama.
• Community mediation: a tool for sustainable development. EXPE, FEAE Canary Islands
• Community mediation as an axis of development in tourist areas. Iriarte University Center
• The perception of violence through social mapping and community mediation. Eirene Peace and Conflict Studies
• Positive conflict management in the social economy. ADR as a way to generate entrepreneurial welfare. American Thought

Geography and History

Geography and History
An expert in community mediation, the professor has experience as a conflict mediator in the community sphere, participating in community processes in Mexico and Panama. In addition, he has developed his career in emergency management at 112 Canarias.
Jorge has a Master’s Degree in Management of Social Economy Enterprises and was awarded the CONACYT Scholarship to pursue postgraduate studies in Mexico where he completed his PhD in Alternative Methods of Conflict Resolution at the Faculty of Law and Criminology of the Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon, with a thesis focused on the study of community mediation as a development tool.
Professional Experience
orge has combined his work in emergency call answering with his teaching and research vocation as a conflict mediator and peace education. He has advised and participated in different companies in the social sector collaborating in the implementation of corporate social responsibility projects. He is a founding member of the mediators’ cooperative Mediae.
Academic experience
• He currently holds the distinction of National Researcher Candidate in the National System of Researchers of Mexico and is accredited as Assistant Professor Doctor by the ACUEE (Canarian Agency for University Quality and Educational Evaluation).
• In Mexico Jorge has taught officially at the UANL (Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León) for six academic years, has participated as a researcher in the research group of Alternative Methods of the UANL and has been a reviewer of scientific articles for several prestigious journals in Latin America and participated as an advisor and trainer in projects of prevention and conflict management for municipal police in Mexico and Panama.
• The professor has been able to disseminate his research as a speaker at several international congresses and has participated in peace training projects in the community, university and citizen security areas.
D. in Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods, Master in Management of Social Economy Enterprises and Bachelor in Geography, is certified to practice as a mediator, speaks English and French and has made international stays first through the Erasmus program in France and later with the CONACYT Mobility Scholarship to Panama.
• Community mediation: a tool for sustainable development. EXPE, FEAE Canary Islands
• Community mediation as an axis of development in tourist areas. Iriarte University Center
• The perception of violence through social mapping and community mediation. Eirene Peace and Conflict Studies
• Positive conflict management in the social economy. ADR as a way to generate entrepreneurial welfare. American Thought


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